The Vedic Astrology has been a well-tested-and-trusted, marvelous, and hence, an excellent means for making a life smooth, happy & progressive, and optimally prosperous, since ancient times (dating as back as 3000 BCE). According to this time-tested and dependably authentic science of Vedic astrology, the life of any person on earth is inherently influenced by astrological factors, right from the birth to death. The birth chart (also known as the janam kundli or birth horoscope) of a person discloses everything likely in different areas of his/her life, along with suggesting radical and infallible solutions for alleviating or removing the disruptive or ruinous matters and events. Thus, accurate birth chart reports can certainly make wonders in any suffering or obstructed life. The foregoing also give explanation for the vast popularity of astrology solutions in India and nations across the world.
Our globally prestigious astrology store (www.AstroAnkitSharma.Com) of India, also offers swift and accurate birth chart to the interested person, located anywhere in India or in any other nation of the word. This birth horoscope may be received through meeting in-person or online processing. The cost of the personalized birth chart offered by us is liberal and fully reasonable, and amount to just Rs. 199/- The personalized online birth chart will be sent in the e-book format. The overall time taken by the entire process, till delivery of the well-drafted birth horoscope, may range from 5 to 10 working days, in general. The procedure for making an earnest request for getting one's birth chart from us, is separately mentioned under the relevant section below.
Apart from birth horoscopes, our astrology store (which is supported and mentored by a world-renowned Indian Vedic astrologer, astrologer Ankit Sharma) also offers sophisticated birth chart reports, area-specific predictions and problems, and surefire solutions for all the existing or likely life’s problems, at additional costs. Our other globally popular astrology products include impeccable gemstones, powerful rudraksha beads, gemstone bracelets & pendants, and diverse religious/spiritual and miraculous yantras.